Author Archives: Eno Henze

The Human Seasons

Choreography: David Dawson Music: Greg Haines Set designs: Eno Henze Costume designs: Yumiko Takeshima Lighting design: Bert Dalhuysen  


Credits Choreography David Dawson Music Szymon Brzoska Set Design Eno Henze Costume Design Yumiko Takeshima Light Design Bert Dalhuysen Accompanied by Holland Symfonia Musical direction Matthew Rowe  

The Little Search for the Absolute – HOLO 2013

Neue Himmel




Auftraggeber: Atelier Markgraph Künstlerische Leitung: Roland Lambrette Endkunde: Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Cars BC/BP Leadagentur: Atelier Markgraph Art Direction: Eno Henze Rainer Kohlberger, Martin Retschitzegger (m-box Berlin) Musik: Michi Kadelbach, Parviz Mir-Ali Filmproduktion: Barbecue Design Visual Director: Rüdiger Chmielus  


The installation draws upon a long history of psychedelic experiments and optical illusions, especially Marcel Duchamps rotoreliefs and 60ies-70ies light shows and Op-Art. It revisits these attempts to manipulate and distort human perception with today’s technological means. The space is defined […]


  For his installation Henze used this LED wall to create photograms of these discharges, adopting a scientific attitude for creating his images. Science, too, works with photographic proofs, and tries to acquire the most immediate imprints of its subjects […]


World Première: 17 June 2011, Dutch National Ballet, Het Muziektheater, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Choreography, Concept and Staging David Dawson Music Scanner Set Design Eno Henze Costume Design Yumiko Takeshima Light Design Bert Dalhuysen With his newest creation David Dawson marked […]

Schwarze Sonnen

abstrakt Abstrakt – The Systemized World

At first, abstraction appears as a method to contain certain properties of the world in a new medium. Formalized in this manner, these properties can be edited in a completely new way, demonstrating the power of abstraction as a productive […]

Tomorrow will be like today

künstliche Himmel

‘Human Factor’ drawings revisitied

Sphären und Kerne

Cortices 2010


Spinne vs Maus


Auftraggeber: Atelier Markgraph Künstlerische Leitung: Roland Lambrette, Eno Henze Endkunde: Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Cars BC/BP Leadagentur: Atelier Markgraph Musik: Marco Lehmann, Parviz Mir-Ali Filmproduktion: Barbecue Design Visual Director: Rüdiger Chmielus

Hecatomb World Tour

The performance setup consisted of several discs that acted as kinetic light objects and a custom made video synthesizer. A new arrangement of the discs was found for each performance/venue. Thanks to Martin Zeplichal Rainer Kohlberger Andreas Fischer for contributions […]

Tscherenkows Traum

Von dunkler Materie und Grauer Masse

Eno Henze’s exhibition “Of Dark Matter and Gray Substance” stretches from the cosmic exterior to the innermost human worlds. The laser drawing ‘Subjektbeschleuniger’ employs traces of cosmic particles as a symbol for the attempt to explain the world with scientific […]


The Subjektbeschleuniger (subject accelerator) mimics signatures subatomic particles leave in collision detectors such as installed at the CERN in Geneva. I have always been fascinated by the beauty and simplicity of these signatures as opposed to their invisible meaningfulness. I […]




Auftraggeber: Atelier Markgraph Künstlerische Leitung: Roland Lambrette Endkunde: Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Cars BC/BP Leadagentur: Atelier Markgraph Art Direction:  Eno Henze, Simon Mayer (Acht Frankfurt) Musik: Parviz Mir-Ali Filmproduktion: Acht Frankfurt Visual Director: Mark Gläser

“Wann verspürten Sie zum ersten mal den Drang …?”

“When did you first feel the urge …” is a reconstruction of an experiment conducted by the neuro scientist Benjamin Libet in 1968. A test person could choose to press a button at any moment – but he should remember […]

Innere Sicherheit

Die ganze Welt in einem Tag

“The whole world in a single day” is the physical manifestation of a possibly endless terrain. If you think of thoughts and memories as shapes of bubbles, it is an ideal terrain based on a foam structure. I tried to […]

The Human Factor

Kontingente Sphären

Metaphysischer Grenzverkehr II

Der Wirklichkeitsschaum

Every real thing forms the nucleus of a multidimensional sphere, that constitutes it’s appearance. Besides it’s factual part, it’s „it is what it is“, every thing manifests itself in an ideal space through connections, references and deliminations. These connections may […]




Metaphysischer Grenzverkehr I

Das Eulen Unthier

Chromatische Aberration.


Times Square

Der Wille zum Wille



Cinema Amerika






Vertigo / Fensterschatten


“Endlich umgibt mich ein aus Gesprächsfäden gewebter Teppich, so daß ich nicht mehr über die Welt nachdenken muß.”

Verlust der Mitte



2004 – Cocoon Club 360° realtime video system

Original Clients: MESO 3Deluxe Also see the MESO project page here for detailed information and images.

Schiff der Ideen